Bibliothèque de recherche

La bibliothèque de ressources et la ibliothèque de recherche de l’Alliance _renferme des rapports, des trousses à outils et des ressources multimédias. Vous pouvez trier les résultats par auteur, par date ou par mots-clés. Si vous souhaitez soumettre un document pour qu’il soit ajouté à notre bibliothèque, veuillez acheminer la publication à (link sends e-mail) pour examen et publication.

Vous pouvez filtrer vos résultats par auteur, source ou thème, ou les trier par année en utilisant les hyperliens dans le tableau et la marge droite. Voici des répertoires de ressources de nos organisations partenaires que vous pouvez consulter :



Titre Détails Année
Creating Effective Partnerships for the Treatment of Mental Health & Addictions in Community Health Centres

Authors: D. Gusovsky, J. Rayner

Format: Poster
Source: Trillium Primary Health Care Research Day
Theme: Understanding the enablers of highest-quality care
Document: Icône PDF Download (939.78 Ko)
Link: Lien
le 2019
Context-appropriate evaluation for community health promotion: Making Mission Possible

Authors: J. Fursova, G. Kranias, J. Rayner

Format: Poster
Source: Community Connections Alliance Annual Conference
Theme: Understanding the enablers of highest-quality care
Link: Lien
le 2019
Rx: Community - Social Prescribing in Canada

Authors: J. Rayner, K. Mulligan, S. Hsiung, S. Bhatti, M. Wong

Format: Poster
Source: International Social Prescribing Conference
Theme: Measuring the Impact of Social Prescribing
Document: Icône PDF Download (1.29 Mo)
le 2019
Community Care and COVID-19: A Case Study

Authors: Barbara Mildon

Format: Article
Source: Longwoods Nursing Leadership
Theme: Understanding and Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Link: Lien
le 2020
From Patient Feedback Survey to Organizational Practice: Improving the Relevancy and Translatability of Findings

Authors: M. Rahman, A. Alamgir, M. Saroli

Format: Article
Source: EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
Theme: Understanding the enablers of highest-quality care
Link: Lien
le 2021
Structuring a Communication Framework to Address the Challenges of Vulnerable Communities for Building Trust and Ensuring Access to Emergency Health Messages for Compliance during COVID-19

Authors: A. Alamgir, S. Usmani, S. Bhuiyan, A. Jancur

Format: Article
Source: EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care
Theme: Understanding and Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Link: Lien
le 2021
Engagement, Governance, Access, and Protection (EGAP): A Data Governance Framework for Health Data Collected from Black Communities in Ontario

Authors: Black Health Working Group

Format: Report
Theme: Understanding our client populations and their health journeys
Link: Lien
le 2021
Engagement, Gouvernance, Accès et Protection (EGAP): Cadre de gouvernance des données sur la santé recueillies auprès des communautés de l'Ontario

Authors: Groupe de travail sur l'équité en santé pour les Noirs

Format: Report
Theme: Understanding our client populations and their health journeys
Link: Lien
le 2021
Virtual Care during COVID-19 and Implications for Future Care Delivery

Authors: J. Rayner, S. Bhatti

Format: Presentation
Source: Annual CAHSPR Conference
Theme: Understanding the enablers of highest-quality care, Virtual Care
Document: Icône PDF Download (1.07 Mo)
Link: Lien
le 2021
Virtual health care for adult patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities: A scoping review

Authors: A. Selick, N. Bobbette, Y. Lunsky, Y. Hamdani, J. Rayner, J. Durbin

Format: Article
Source: Disability and Health Journal
Theme: Understanding the enablers of highest-quality care, Virtual Care
Link: Lien
le 2021
