At-a-glance – Black-focused social prescribing:  the importance of an Afrocentric approach

# Abstract

The Black-Focused Social Prescribing (BFSP) project is a unique initiative by the Alliance for Healthier Communities that intertwines Afrocentric principles with social prescribing. Going beyond conventional social prescribing models, BFSP addresses specific health needs within Black communities. It is rooted in the Alliance Black Health Strategy, advocates for Black health, and is guided by Afrocentric principles.

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada - Special Issue on Social prescribing in Canada

This is Part I of a special issue of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, titled Social prescribing in Canada: An emerging approach to health and well-being  

Editors for this special issue are Kate Mulligan, Kiffer G. Card, and Sandra Allison. It includes an editorial statement, evidence synthesis, original qualitative research, commentary, and an at-a-glance article. 


Social prescribing outcomes: a mapping review of the evidence from 13 countries to identify key common outcomes



As a means for supporting a range of health and wellbeing goals, social prescribing programs have been implemented around the world. Reflecting a range of contexts, needs, innovation, and programing, a broad array of outcomes has been studied in relation to these programs.

A Multidimensional Social Inquiry into the Loneliness Problem: Urbanization, Technological Mediation, and Neoliberal Individualism

Loneliness is a compelling, complex, and multifaceted social issue of the times, which cannot be reduced to a personal trouble writ large. Loneliness is not one thing. There is a need for a broad and multidimensional social approach to loneliness—even broader than a public health approach—that could take up the problem of loneliness as a complex phenomenon.

Prescribing Better "Pills" to Swallow

This report was featured in the 2023 Family Medicine Report from the Department of Family and Community Medicine at the University of Toronto. Alongside some of the major findings of the Alliance's Rx:Community Social Prescribing pilot, and it tells the powerful story of Nafisa and her daughter, two participants in Rexdale CHC's Social Prescribing program. Shortly after they came to Canada as asylum seekers, Nafisa experienced complex health challenges.

Big ideas: Top 4 proposals presented at Family Medicine Forum 2022

The Big Ideas Soapbox at Family Medicine Forum (FMF) showcases concepts that could make a difference to clinical practice, faculty development, postgraduate or undergraduate education, patient care and outcomes, or health policy. This session offers a platform for innovators to share fresh ideas, innovative thinking, and fledgling developments with the potential to initiate change. Proposals are selected for presentation at FMF based on reviewers’ scores, and the innovators are invited to the Big Ideas Soapbox session to present and defend their ideas.
