In 2023, the Alliance conducted a pilot study of the EQ-5D tool for capturing patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) - essentially, a standardized way to measure how clients perceive their health and wellbeing, and track changes in their health and wellbeing over time. This webinar provides an orientation to the EQ-5D, a review of the pilot study and what we learned from it, and an overview of the supports we will be providing for implementation.
Watch the video below and follow along with the slide deck here.
# About PROMs and the EQ-5D
Patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) are an important tool for ensuring that health care is tailored to clients' health care goals and responsive to their experiences of health and wellbeing. The EQ-5D was chosen for our pilot study because it is a validated tool, widely used around the world, and available for free in 200 languages.
# Pilot Test and Next Steps
The Alliance pilot-tested the EQ5D it to determine its suitability for use in our member organizations. We also sought to understand the processes that would be involved in implementing the tool for widespread adoption across our sector. You can read the full report here.
Based on the learnings from this pilot, the Alliance is now rolling out the EQ-5D to all our members. Beginning in late January 2025, we are supporting this rollout with a co-ordinated RALI (Rapid Action Learning Intensive). RALI-PROMs includes EMR tools, learning sessions, "How To" materials, and individualized coaching support throughout the process.
To learn more about the EQ-5D rollout and how we can help you implement it in your organization, email We’re here to help!