Access to Clean Drinking Water - Template Letter to MP (English & French)
Created December 4 2020
Accès à l’eau potable – Lettre à votre député fédéral
Access to clean drinking water - Letter to your local MP
Created December 4 2020
Accès à l’eau potable – Lettre à votre député fédéral
Access to clean drinking water - Letter to your local MP
Created December 4 2020
Accès à l’eau potable – Lettre à votre député fédéral
Access to clean drinking water - Letter to your local MP
Two-page letter addressed to PM Trudeau, dated December 3, 2020, and signed by Alliance board chair Liben Gebremikael. Subject line: Access to clean drinking water.Key Paragraph
The Alliance for Healthier Communities stands in solidarity with Indigenous peoples across Canada and demands urgent action from you and the federal government to ensure access to clean drinking water in all First Nations and Inuit communities. What we mean by urgent action: