le 2022

The Alliance and our partners at the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) have developed an interactive Data Quality Assessment Tool for Community Health Centres who have agreed to share their EMR data with CIHI. With this tool, participating CHCs can review the completeness and accuracy of their  organization’s clinical and sociodemographic data for primary health care clients.

The file is available here for download. Please note that this is available only to Alliance members who are logged into the Alliance member portal. If you are not currently logged in, the link will take you to the login page. Once you are logged in, the link will download the file (you will find it in your "downloads" folder). 

Note: This Dashboard contains centre- and sector-level information about data quality. It was created to support learning and quality improvement. Please respect the privacy of your peers and the sector by exercising caution and judgement when sharing it with colleagues.


This document assesses detailed aspects of data quality of the Primary Health Care Electronic Medical Record (EMR) data set (data period from April 1, 2015 to March 31, 2021) submitted to the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) by the Allliance for Healthier Communities on December 16, 2021. CIHI's Information Quality Framework contains 5 dimensions CIHI uses to describe and assess data quality: Accuracy and Reliability, Relevance, Timeliness and Punctuality, Comparability and Coherence, and Accessibility and Clarity. This assessment focuses on the Accuracy and Reliability data quality dimension, and provides a detailed data profile for two characteristics of the dimension - Item Availability and Coverage.

Accuracy and Reliability: Does the information correctly and consistently describe what it was designed to measure?

Item Availability: The degree to which the individual records contain complete and valid information. The effect on fitness for use depends on many factors, including the importance of the missing/invalid responses to a given data element and whether there is any pattern to the missing values. This is assessed by routine data profiling that includes calculating and monitoring rates of valid, invalid, missing and outlier values. In this report, this characteristic is analyzed in tabs: 2 - Completeness, 3 - Completeness by Year, 4 - Accuracy, and 6 - Top 10 Values.

Coverage: The degree to which the data available for use covers the population for whom the information is wanted (the population of interest). Coverage governs most use, as it is critical to understand which population statements can and cannot be made for based on the data. This is assessed by defining populations and calculating and monitoring coverage rates, including over- and under-coverage, and describing the impact of any limitations in the coverage (e.g., bias due to differences between units from which no information was received and those from which information was received). In this report, this characteristic is analyzed in tabs: 1 - CHC Overview, and 5 - Sociodemographic Characteristics.

#Orientation Webinar

On June 23, 2022, we held a special a lunch 'n' learn webinar for Alliance members, introducing and orienting them to this new tool. Guests from CIHI provided an overview of the project and a high-level demonstration of the tool, followed by time for audience questions and discussion. Watch the video below, and find the slide deck here



  • Chen Wu, Project Lead, Primary Health Care Information, CIHI
  • Rebecca Ling, Senior Analyst, Primary Health Care Information, CIHI


  • Chardé Morgan, Project Lead, Primary Health Care Information, CIHI
  • Ann Chapman, Director of Spending and Primary Care, CIHI
  • Paul Sajan, Manager of Primary Health Care Information, CIHI

#About CIHI

The Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) is an independent, not-for-profit organization that provides essential information on Canada’s health systems and the health of people living in Canada. Our mandate is to deliver comparable and actionable information to accelerate improvements in health care, health system performance and population health across the continuum of care.  For more information about CIHI, visit