This webinar is presented by the National Newcomer Navigation Network (N4).

Join us for an enlightening webinar discussion where MCC Elders and staff will discuss how they have been working to bridge relationship and connection between Indigenous and Newcomer relatives. With the guidance of ancient Indigenous Medicine Wheel teachings, Seven Sacred Principles, Healing Medicines and the land based, All My Relations Teachings, MCC Indigenous Elders and staff have been able to develop holistic programming that has enhanced mutual understanding and appreciation of the strengths, struggles, commonalities and differences between Indigenous and Newcomer families and individuals.

#Learning Objectives

  • To explore Indigenous ways of being, doing and knowing as a holistic framework for program development and facilitation
  • To learn about the Indigenous spiritual and operational concepts of All My Relations and land-based teachings
  • The importance of creating greater awareness and collaboration between Indigenous and immigrant communities to prevent stereotyping and address misinformation
  • Understand current issues for First Nations and immigrant communities diverse impacts on emotional and mental wellbeing and promote mutual acceptance


  • Debra DiUbaldo, Elder in Residence, Mount Carmel Clinic
  • Catherine Biaya, Community Health Facilitator, Mount Carmel Clinic
  • Winifred Vugampore, Clinical Social Worker/Counsellor, Mount Carmel Clinic


le Mercredi 19 Juin 2024 - 13:00
1:00 - 2;00 pm
Coût : 
Type d’événement : 