Neighbourhood influences on youth mental health and stress levels during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic


The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth mental health and stress levels warrants urgent attention. In Canada, as elsewhere in the world, public health measures in the early stages of the pandemic dramatically transformed the everyday geographies of young people.

Effect of Risk Mitigation Guidance opioid and stimulant dispensations on mortality and acute care visits during dual public health emergencies: retrospective cohort study



To determine the effect of opioid and stimulant Risk Mitigation Guidance (RMG) dispensations on mortality and acute care visits during the dual public health emergencies of overdose and covid-19.

Fische d'Information: Soutenir les personnes aidantes naturelles dans le domaine des soins de santé primaires

Bien qu’elles prodiguent environ 75 % des soins au sein de notre système de santé, les personnes aidantes naturelles ont du mal à s’en sortir.

L' organisme de soutien aux aidants naturels de l'Ontario (OSANO) met à votre disposition ce document d’une page contenant des conseils pratiques que vous pouvez utiliser comme référence.

English version available here.

Have Primary Care Renewal Initiatives in Canada Increased Comprehensive Care for Patients with Complex Care Needs? Yes and No


The First Ministers Health Accords of 2001 through 2003 (Health Canada 2006) launched the renewal of primary care toward more comprehensive care delivery models. We scanned government websites in the 10 Canadian provinces to assess how comprehensive and integrated renewal models were for health and social services in 2018. More comprehensive primary care delivery models were the norm in five out of 10 provinces.

Rethinking Patient Safety: A Discussion Guide for Patients, Healthcare Providers and Leaders

Healthcare Excellence Canada  and Patients for Patient Safety Canada held many conversations about patient safety with users of the health system, people who work in healthcare and safety scientists. Their learnings so far are summarized summarized in this key statement: Everyone contributes to patient safety. Together we must learn and act to create safer care and reduce all forms of healthcare harm. After elaborating on each of the phrases in that key statement, the guide provides a list of considerations that go beyond traditional thinking on patient safety.
