Modèle de santé et de bien-être | Guide pour le cadre d’évaluation

Le manuel du cadre d'évaluation des CSC énumère les éléments de données à collecter sur les clients, les rencontres de services et les programmes de groupe dans les centres de santé communautaires au sein de l'Alliance pour des communautés en meilleure santé. Il fournit également de brèves explications sur les points de données et la raison de leur collecte.

Treatment preferences among Canadian military Veterans with chronic low back pain: Mixed-methods cross-sectional survey

# Lay Summary

Patients are more willing to accept treatments that match their preferences. The authors conducted a survey to find out what treatments military Veterans prefer for low back pain. The survey, which asked about experiences with low back pain and attitudes toward health care providers and treatments, reached 1,632 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans, and 290 with chronic low back pain completed it.

Social Work and Primary Care: A Vision for the Path Forward

This report describes the complex, generalist roles of social workers in primary health care settings and demonstrates how this work advances the goals of primary health care. It describes challenges experienced by social workers in primary care settings and outlines a vision for the future in which social workers are embedded in all primary care teams and accessible to everyone in Canada; social workers work to full scope and are equitably compensated; and the value of social work in primary care is clearly demonstrated through robust data collection and linkage. 
