#As part of our Learning Health System journey, the Alliance is convening a group of client & community research partners.
Our research partners will help ensure that research conducted by or in partnership with the Alliance:
- Is relevant to what matters most to our clients and communities, especially those who face barriers to health and wellbeing.
- Is done in ways that are appropriate to the people and communities our members serve and won’t harm or further marginalize research participants.
- Generates knowledge products that support safe and effective health care for people and communities our members serve.
Alliance researchers and the researchers we work with will consult our client and community partners about their topics and methods, as well as the tools and reports they produce. Client and community partners will provide feedback and guidance based on their own lived and living experience. In recognition of their time, expertise, and effort, the Alliance will compensate our client and community research partners. We will pay $50 per meeting for approximately two hours of estimated work (one hour of meeting and one hour of preparation).
#Recruitment for this group is currently closed, but there may be other opportunities to get involved.
If you know a client or community member who would like to contribute to research that supports health equity and quality improvement in primary health care, please invite them to email LHS@AllianceON.org. We will get in touch with them shortly.
#Alliance, member, and participant commitments
The Alliance is committed to including people in research whose voices are often excluded. Doing this meaningfully will require commitments from all sides.
The Alliance for Healthier Communities commits to:
- Compensating community participants with a per-meeting honorarium aligned with the Living Wage Index for Ontario and based on the amount of expected work (1.5 hours meeting participation and 1 hour for preparation).
- Ensuring that meeting materials and resources are in accessible, plain language;
- Providing training for participants about the health system, the Alliance, health equity, and research;
- Regularly seeking feedback from participants about their experience as a research partner, and any impact, positive or negative, it is having on them.
Client and community research partners will be expected to:
- Attend a 90-minute online meeting about every two months;
- Prepare for each meeting by reviewing relevant materials;
- Contribute to research by participating honestly and thoughtfully in discussions, drawing from their unique experiences and perspectives;
- Contribute to the wellbeing of the group by treating fellow members with respect and empathy;
- Protect their own wellbeing and safety by expressing healthy boundaries and raising issues as they occur.
#More Information
We have created two Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) documents to help potential Research Partners and their sponsors decide if they would like to be a part of this program. Check them out at the links below:
- FAQ for people who are thinking about being a Research Partner
- Terms of Reference (co-developed with the Committee and ratified in June 2023)
If you have any questions about the research partners program or the application process, please reach out to Catherine Macdonald, the Alliance’s Knowledge Translation Specialist, at LHS@AllianceON.org.