A new health equity (aka sociodemographic) questionnaire is rolling out across our sector in January 2024. The Alliance is supporting our members in implementing the new questionnaire with EMR tools and related resources.
# Overview
Health equity (sociodemograpic) data has been collected by CHCs in Ontario for over 20 years. They were updated in 2012 and have just been updated again for 2024. The updated questionnaire is similar to the 2012 version, with the following improvements:
- Clients can choose multiple response categories for many questions.
- Questions and response options about gender identity and sexuality questions have been updated for clarity and inclusiveness and to reflect current terminology.
- Several optional questions about social need have been added.
A refresh of our Evaluation Framework is currently underway, and the update (expected release: spring 2024) will reflect all of these changes.
# Launch Webinar
The rollout of this updated questionnaire was officially launched with a Lunch 'n' Learn webinar. You can watch the recording below and access the slide deck here.
This Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document was compiled based on the webinar Q&A.
# Other Resources and Supports
It’s important to note that January 11 was the beginning, not the end, of this rollout. We know that some teams will take longer to reach full implementation of the new questionnaire into their work processes. We are committed to providing ongoing support for our members through this process.
# Implementation Tools
The following implementation tools will be shared with Alliance-member CHCs by email and will be uploaded to the IM/PM Sharepoint portal.
- Custom EMR forms from TELUS Health
- Instructions for removing optional indicators from your EMR
As you prepare to implement the new questionnaire into your workflow, you may find these resources helpful:
Implementation Guide (Revised November 2023)
- See Appendix A (starts on p. 38) for the full questionnaire.
- Customizable client brochure/FAQ (download)
- Healthcare provider script (with background information, questions, and response options)
- Interactive script (with client questions and staff responses)
- We ask because we care script
- Screenshots showing the custom EMR forms
Summary list of questions indicating mandatory/optional status.
- Note that some questions are optional for OH but mandatory for Alliance members.
Other resources, including scripts and patient-facing materials translated into 16 different languages, can be accessed through the IM/PM Sharepoint portal. . Please note that you will need a username and password to access them; please contact BIRT@AllianceON.org to get one.
# Rapid Action Learning Intensive (RALI) - Sociodemographic Data (SDD)
RALI-SDD is a self-directed improvement initiative developed by the Alliance to spread the learnings from the Foundations of Equity learning collaborative that took place in 2022-2023. It is based on work by the Health Foundation in the UK and was pilot-tested with 4 Alliance-member CHCs in the summer of 2023.
The next RALI-SDD will begin on February 1, 2024. It is open to any member organization of the Alliance. Participating organizations will receive access to the four learning modules as well as supporting tools & tip sheets. Coaching will be available starting February 1.
To learn more or enroll in RALI, email QI@AllianceON.org.
# Reach Out
If you have any questions about the new questionnaire and custom forms, please email LHS@AllianceON.org.
If you would like more information about RALI or other supports to help you develop or improve your sociodemographic data collection, please email QI@AllianceON.org.
# Background
CHCs in Ontario have been collecting sociodemographic and race-based data for over 20+ years, and health equity indicators have always been part of our Evaluation Framework. The questions we use to collect this data were most recently updated in 2012 as part of the ‘We Ask Because We Care’ project.
The new update, which will roll out in early 2024, was undertaken in response to a need for better data standards identified by clients, providers and health equity leaders. Specifically, they noted that in the 2012 guidelines:
- Respondents were required to choose just one response per category. Such “forced” choices can erase complex, fluid, and non-binary identities.
- Gender identities and sexuality, in particular, were inadequately captured, and the distinction between gender and sexuality is left unclear.
- Very few questions resulted in actionable steps.
An update to the questionnaire was undertaken by the Alliance in partnership with Ontario Health – Toronto Region. It was informed by the SPARK study and CIHI guidelines and piloted by three Toronto Community Health Centres, using a variety of data collection methods (OCEAN, paper, and verbal). The overall response from clients and providers was favourable, and their feedback was incorporated into the updates before rollout.