University of Toronto
Opportunity Deadline: 
Monday, September 30, 2024
Participant Profile: 
Black/African, South Asian, and Chinese people with stroke, and their family members
Opportunity Type: 
Focus Group
What's Involved: 
Three one-hour individual meetins and one 2-hour group meeting via Zoom.
Compensation Available: 
$20 honorarium per meeting
More info

Your lived-experience expertise can help us understand what supports people and their families from diverse communities need to get better after stroke.  Researchers at the University of Toronto are looking for racialized people with stroke and their family members or caregivers to share their experiences.

If you join the study, you will have three individual 1-hour meetings and one 2-hour group meeting with the research team. These meetings could happen by phone, Zoom, or in person, depending on your preference. 

Participants will receive a $20 honorarium after each meeting. 

For more information, see this flyer or email Miranda Wu