This webinar is presented by the National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health
# Abstract
The Peel Walkability Composite Index (PWCI) comparison tool enables Peel Public Health and the Region of Peel's municipal partners to track changes in walkability by looking at key features of the built environment that are associated with walking behaviour. It includes the following indicators: residential density, access to transit, access to food stores, access to services, access to greenspace, access to schools, land-use mix, and housing diversity. In addition to monitoring changes over time, the tool can be used to identify areas where the likelihood of walking behaviour is high and investments into pedestrian infrastructure and amenities may be of increased value. This presentation will review the first update to this tool, which allows us to compare the 2016 baseline indicators against indicators created using 2021 data for census tracts across Peel.
Speaker: Michael Bennington, MPH, Peel Public Heath