A Review of the Trends and Benefits of Community Engagement and Local Community Governance in Health Care
Comparison of Primary Care Models in Ontario by Demographics, Case Mix and Emergency Department Use, 2008/09 to 2009/10
Understanding value for money in Ontario's primary care system is complicated. This report examines patients/clients from April 2008 to March 2010 in: Community Health Centres (CHCs, a salaried model); Family Health Groups (FHGs, a blended fee-for-service model); Family Health Networks (FHNs, a blended capitation model); Family Health Organizations (FHOs, a blended capitation model); Family Health Teams (FHTs, an interprofessional team model composed of FHNs and FHOs); ‘Other’ smaller models combined; and those who did not belong to a model.
Dépistage du cancer : comment les centres de santé communautaire de l’Ontario obtiennent des résultats
Les centres de santé communautaire de l’Ontario servent un grand nombre de personnes à faible revenu, ainsi que d’autres populations qui se heurtent traditionnellement à des obstacles dans l’accès aux services de prévention des maladies. Malgré cela, les centres de santé communautaire de l’Ontario atteignent des taux de dépistage du cancer supérieurs aux moyennes provinciales.
Cancer screening: How Ontario’s Community Health Centres achieve results
Ontario’s Community Health Centres serve large numbers of people living on low incomes, as well as other populations who have traditionally faced barriers accessing services that prevent illness. Even so, Ontario’s Community Health Centres achieve higher cancer screening rates than provincial averages.
Version française: https://www.allianceon.org/research/D%C3%A9pistage-du-cancer-comment-les...
Measuring What Matters: How the Canadian Index of Wellbeing can improve quality of life in Ontario
How are Ontarians Really Doing?
How are Canadians Really Doing?
Seaway Valley Oral Health Pilot Project Final Report 2019
This report describes a two-month oral health care pilot project that took place at Seaway Valley CHC from January 30 to March 31, 2019. Fifty-five unique clients visited the CHC a total of 175 times for oral health care during the 41 days of the pilot. The CHC saw an average of 4.24 clients per day, and they say each client an average of 3.16 times. The CHC complemented their oral health care services with wraparound care inckluding nutrition services, smoking cessatgion support, primary care, and system navigation to help clients access the CHC's programs and community services.
Projet Lombalgie
English version here: Low Back Pain Project