Resource and Research Libraries

The Alliance Library contains reports, toolkits and multimedia resources.  If you would like to submit a paper to be posted in our libraries, please forward the publication to (link sends e-mail) for review and posting. 

Using the hyperlinks in the table and  the right-hand margin, you can filter your results by author, source, or theme, or you can sort them by year.  Here are some of our partner organizations' libraries you may wish to check out:

Title Details Year
Learning health systems in primary care: a systematic scoping review

Authors: D.Nash, Z. Bhimani, J. Rayner, M. Zwarenstein

Format: Article
Source: BMC Family Practice
Theme: Advancing the Learning Health System
Document: PDF icon Download (1.18 MB)
Link: Link
The Alliance for Healthier Communities as a Learning Health System for primary care: A qualitative analysis in Ontario, Canada

Authors: D. M. Nash, J. B. Brown, C. Thorpe, J. Rayner, M. Zwarenstein

Format: Article
Source: Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice
Theme: Advancing the Learning Health System
Link: Link
The Alliance for Healthier Communities' journey to a learning health system in primary care

Authors: D. Nash, J. Rayner, S. Bhatti, L. Zagar, M. Zwarenstein

Format: Article
Source: Learning Health Systems
Theme: Advancing the Learning Health System
Link: Link
Describing a complex primary health care population in a learning health system to support future decision support and artificial intelligence initiatives

Authors: J. K. Kueper, J. Rayner, M. Zwarenstein, L. Zagar

Format: Article
Source: International Journal of Population Data Science
Theme: Advancing the Learning Health System
Link: Link
Using epidemiology and artificial intelligence to describe a complex primary care population in a learning health system

Authors: J. Kueper, J. Rayner, M. Zwarenstein, D. Lizotte

Format: Presentation
Source: NAPCRG Annual Meeting
Theme: Advancing the Learning Health System
Document: PDF icon Download (3.42 MB)
Link: Link