TORONTO – April 13, 2020 – Throughout COVID-19, we’ve seen the devastation in marginalized communities caused by health inequities and barriers, including systemic racism, poverty, isolation, lack of housing and homelessness, precarious work, as well as other factors related to the determinants of health. Many people wonder what they can do to help effect change, and what steps they can take to begin. That’s why we’re excited to invite you to join the Alliance for Healthier Communities and help grow the movement towards healthier people, healthier communities, a more inclusive society, and a more sustainable health care system. Now more than ever,we need to broaden the voice of health equity in Ontario and more widely.And we need you to do it.
“The movement for health equity is driven by community, and by people from many areas of society coming together to demand and design real change and systemic solutions that improve health and wellbeing by addressing barriers faced by marginalized populations,” said Sarah Hobbs, CEO of the Alliance. “By becoming a Community Health Equity Builder, you’re making the commitment alongside the Alliance and its members to work towards the policy and system changes needed to ensure the best possible health and wellbeing for everyone.”
The Community Health Equity Builder Program is a path to becoming part of the growing movement for health equity in Ontario and around the world. It’s for organizations and individuals who share our mission, vision and values, but do not meet the criteria for membership in the Alliance. This program is open to non-profit organizations, networks, and individuals who operate, work or live anywhere in the world. As a Community Health Equity Builder, you will enjoy access to a range of benefits and services, and be part of a growing movement to advance health equity.
Some of the benefits of becoming a Builder include: Timely access to health system developments, trends and analysis via bulletin, webinars and other communications; sharing best practices and resources through webinars and communities of practice; access to the Alliance’s interactive portal, filled with useful resources and ways to connect with community health leaders across Ontario and beyond; discounted postings on the job board on the Alliance’s website (for organizations and networks); reduced rates for the Alliance’s annual conference, our professional learning events and capacity building resources developed by the Alliance; access to the Health Equity Charter and Model of Health and Wellbeing resources; access to the latest primary health care research and evaluation via the EPIC Learning Health System bulletin; and networking opportunities for early career professionals, researchers, and students. As well, students and seniors pay reduced rates to become Builders.
Joining is straightforward, but does involve making the commitment to: advancing the best possible health and wellbeing for people and communities facing barriers.
We hope you’ll consider taking your next steps towards health equity alongside us. Learn more about becoming a Community Health Equity Builder today.
ABOUT US: The Alliance for Healthier Communities is the voice of a vibrant network of more than 100 community-governed comprehensive primary health care organizations all across Ontario. Alliance members serve diverse communities in the province, and each organization is deeply rooted in the communities they serve. Alliance members share commitments to advancing health equity through the delivery of comprehensive primary health care. The Alliance and its members are committed to working towards transformative change to the health system in Ontario. We exist to improve the health and wellbeing of people and communities facing barriers.
For interviews or questions about the program, please contact:
Jason Rehel, Media Relations:, 416-817-9518