Navigating Equitable Access to Cancer and Mental Health Services During Pandemics: Stakeholder Perspectives on COVID-19 Challenges and Community-Based Solutions for Immigrants and Refugees—Proceedings from Think Tank Sessions

# Abstract

# Background 

Increasing evidence shows that the COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately impacted certain populations, particularly those facing structural marginalization, such as immigrants and refugees.

Navigating Equitable Access to Cancer and Mental Health Services During Pandemics: Stakeholder Perspectives on COVID-19 Challenges and Community-Based Solutions for Immigrants and Refugees – Proceedings from Think Tank Sessions

This is a preprint article. It has not yet been peer reviewed.

Treatment preferences among Canadian military Veterans with chronic low back pain: Mixed-methods cross-sectional survey

# Lay Summary

Patients are more willing to accept treatments that match their preferences. The authors conducted a survey to find out what treatments military Veterans prefer for low back pain. The survey, which asked about experiences with low back pain and attitudes toward health care providers and treatments, reached 1,632 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Veterans, and 290 with chronic low back pain completed it.

Using Data to Determine Roster Complexity in Primary Health Care

Are you interested in measuring the complexity of your organization's clients at a more granular level? 

Staff at London InterCommunity Health Centre (LIHC) have developed a collaborative exercise to measure the complexity of their clinical clients. This allowed them to rebalance their clinicians' rosters, ensuring balanced workloads. In this Lunch 'n' Learn webinar, LIHC staff described the project and provided an in-depth look at their methodology.

Measuring "Better" Better: Findings from the EQ-5D Pilot Project

In 2023, the Alliance conducted a pilot study of the EQ-5D tool for capturing patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) - essentially, a standardized way to measure how clients perceive their health and wellbeing, and track changes in their health and wellbeing over time. This webinar provides an orientation to the EQ-5D, a review of the pilot study and what we learned from  it, and an overview of the supports we will be providing for implementation.

Dismantling Weight Stigma and Anti-Fat Bias in Health Care

This Alliance Lunch 'n' Learn Webinar was presented in October 2024. , Phoebe Lee, a community dietitian at Black Creek Community Health Centre shared insights about how pervasive weight stigma and anti-fat bias in health care settings present barriers to access and patient safety. The webinar included small- and large-group discussions aimed at helping participants recognize the anti-fat biases in their own practices and organizations and co-designing strategies to remove them.

At-a-glance – Black-focused social prescribing:  the importance of an Afrocentric approach

# Abstract

The Black-Focused Social Prescribing (BFSP) project is a unique initiative by the Alliance for Healthier Communities that intertwines Afrocentric principles with social prescribing. Going beyond conventional social prescribing models, BFSP addresses specific health needs within Black communities. It is rooted in the Alliance Black Health Strategy, advocates for Black health, and is guided by Afrocentric principles.
