Slide Deck: Response to AG Report (2017) about CHCs

In 2017, the Auditor General reviewed the CHC program &developed Recommendations. The MOH has responded in 2019 and reported on progress to-date . additional progress & details are provided in this PowerPoint.

In her press conference, Auditor General Bonnie Lysyk was asked what stood out from her review of 5 different health care sectors --She said it was CHCs & the comprehensive services they provide under one roof: "They are pretty neat. It was most surprising to understand that type of operation exists in Ontario.“

AG Report comments included:

Plans d’amélioration de la qualité (PAQ) - Mise à jour du programme, exercise 2023-2024

Voici les diapositives d'un webinaire présenté par Santé Ontario le 16 novembre 2022, sur les indicateurs prioritaires et les soutiens pour les plans d'amélioration de la qualité organisationnels 2023-2024.
Voir page 19 pour des liens vers des ressources de soutien de Santé Ontario.

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