In the spring of 2022, the Alliance did an evidence synthesis and examined exemplars worldwide and found that Integrated Care systems in various jurisdictions, many like the ones that Ontario’s OHTs have been modeled on, are failing to meet their objectives to improve population health outcomes. What we discovered was that many of these more mature systems have discovered they are not realizing their goals by focusing on health systems alone. Many of these jurisdictions are now pivoting to address this by centering the community and focusing on health promotion, prevention, and determinants of health.
We have heard from members that they want to ensure that health equity and community are drivers of the OHT design and delivery. Using the evidence synthesis and the work of Alliance members, we have developed a toolkit that can be used to inform OHT development.
# Toolkit
This toolkit contains:
- Ontario Health Teams: Integrating Health Equity & Community report: Evidence, rationale and suggested actions for an equity-oriented, community approach to care integration in OHTs. Includes Toolkit for Actions.
- Ontario Health Teams: Integrating Health Equity & Community slide deck: Support for conversations with OHT partners about integrating care beyond the health system.
- Principles for French Language Health Services in Ontario Health Teams: Principles specific to advancing the health of Francophone communities served by your OHT.
We recognize that this toolkit is a living document and we will continue to add tools and resources in order to enhance it.