le 2023

This report was prepared by researchers from CMHA Toronto and the Wellesley Institute.


The report presents the results of a needs assessment on the impact of COVID-19 on Spanish-speaking Latin Americans residing in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).  Please feel free to share these links within your networks. Additionally, note that there are two versions of the report available: one in Spanish and one in English.

#The research identified four areas for action:

1. Caregiving challenges. Greater support for caregivers is needed, including financial resources, respite care and counselling services.

2. Access to online health and mental health services. Greater investment in infrastructure to ensure digital equity is required, including plans to address economic and other disparities in the delivery of virtual care.

3. Access to Spanish-language services. Increased access to consistent, standardized language interpretation services in the healthcare system is required to ensure access to lifesaving information and services. In addition, greater investment into existing community-based networks that already have language capacity is needed to increase access to translated materials and Spanish-language health services.

4. Uninsured and those with precarious status. The Physician and Hospital Services for Uninsured Persons Program in Ontario should be reinstated, along with increased funding to community health and uninsured clinics serving these populations.