“Can you hear me now?”: a qualitative exploration of communication quality in virtual primary care encounters for patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities



High quality communication is central to effective primary care. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a dramatic increase in virtual care but little is known about how this may affect communication quality.

“A Missing Part of Me:” A Pan-Canadian Report on the Licensure of Internationally Educated Health Professionals


Canada’s health care system is understaffed and facing both recruitment and retention challenges. As part of a wider health human resources (HHR) strategy, the National Newcomer Navigation Network (N4) is investigating internationally educated physicians and nurses as a key demographic to help meet staffing needs.

2-pager: Virtual Care during COVID-19 Research Study

In 2020, the Alliance for Healthier Communities and its member centres embarked on a research study to explore the challenges and opportunities inherent in a shift towards virtual care. The study involved extracting EMR data from 36 CHCs, an organizational survey, as well as conducting phone interviews with 36 providers and 31 clients. This 2-page handout summarizes the main findings.

Using the quadruple aim to understand the impact of virtual delivery of care within Ontario community health centres: a qualitative study


The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and introduction of various restrictions resulted in drastic changes to 'traditional' primary healthcare service delivery modalities.


To understand the impact of virtual care on healthcare system performance within the context of Ontario community health centres (CHCs).

Accessibility of Virtual Primary Care for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Study


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented increase in the delivery of virtual primary care. Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) have complex health care needs, and little is known about the value and appropriateness of virtual care for this patient population.
