Ontario Health Teams: Integrating Health Equity & Community
Webinar: Is Your Healthcare Pension Aligned with Climate Safety?
#Your pension savings can contribute to or help reduce climate change and its harmful impacts on health equity.
Social Prescribing:Connectedness, Purpose, and Belonging
Presentation by Josephine Pham, Knowledge Mobilization & Project Coordinator for the social prescribing programs at the Alliance for Healthier Communities. Presented as part of a panel discussion at the Family Caregiver Conference on October 29, 2022.
Topics addressed in this presentation:
Webinar | Finding Meaning in a Universe of Data : Exploring Opportunities for Learning Machines to Advance Health Care Planning and Delivery
The advance of electronic record-keeping and secure methods for sharing and linking health data have led to the creation of massive datasets. These datasets combine sociodemographic, practice, and administrative data about millions of people in thousands of communities. Using traditional methods to sift through it all in search of meaningful patterns and useable new knowledge can be overwhelming. Artificial intelligence (AI) - programming that enables computers to learn - helps us find the meaning in this universe of data.
Salary-based Primary Care & Interprofessional teams: Introduction to CHC data available at ICES
Presentation made to ICES by Dr. Jennifer Rayner on September 12, 2022. This presentation introduced ICES scientists to the CHC data profile and past projects that have used that data.
EMR Data Standards for SDOH
Presentation made to Healthcare Excellence Canada (HEC) by Dr. Jennifer Rayner on behalf of the Alliance for Healthier Communities on Septemebr 12, 2022.
La vaccination pour l’avenir : équité, communauté et confiance
La pandémie de la COVID-19 a mis en lumière des inégalités sociales et en matière de santé profondément ancrées qui font entrave à un rétablissement durable et juste pour tous. Ces obstacles font ressortir les difficultés auxquelles font face les populations vulnérables quant à l’accès aux services et aux renseignements en matière de santé dont elles ont besoin, y compris en ce qui concerne la vaccination contre la COVID-19.
Vax to the Future: Equity, Community, and Trust
On Jaunary 26, 2022, the Alliance for Healthier Communities hosted "Vax for the Future: Equity, Community, and Trust." This 90-minute webinar featured stories about tailored and community-based COVID-19 vaccionation from Centre Francophone du Grand Toronto and the TAIBU, Somerset West, and Woolwich Community Health Centres.