Measuring "Better" Better: Findings from the EQ-5D Pilot Project

In 2023, the Alliance conducted a pilot study of the EQ-5D tool for capturing patient-reported outcome measures (PROMs) - essentially, a standardized way to measure how clients perceive their health and wellbeing, and track changes in their health and wellbeing over time. This webinar provides an orientation to EQ-5D, a review of the pilot study and what we learned from  it, and an overview of the supports we will be providing for implementation.

The Future is Social Prescribing: Why it's key to an integrated, accessible, resilient health system (

# About this Webinar

In 2018, the Alliance for Healthier Communities brought Social Prescribing to Canada. Over the last 5 years, the model has evolved to include special, population-health focuses such as Black health, mental wellness, and active living for seniors. 

Social Work and Primary Care: A Vision for the Path Forward

This report describes the complex, generalist roles of social workers in primary health care settings and demonstrates how this work advances the goals of primary health care. It describes challenges experienced by social workers in primary care settings and outlines a vision for the future in which social workers are embedded in all primary care teams and accessible to everyone in Canada; social workers work to full scope and are equitably compensated; and the value of social work in primary care is clearly demonstrated through robust data collection and linkage. 

Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada - Special Issue on Social prescribing in Canada

This is Part I of a special issue of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, titled Social prescribing in Canada: An emerging approach to health and well-being  

Editors for this special issue are Kate Mulligan, Kiffer G. Card, and Sandra Allison. It includes an editorial statement, evidence synthesis, original qualitative research, commentary, and an at-a-glance article. 


IPCT Expansion Funding Q&As

This document was created by the Alliance for our members and their community partners who received IPCT funding in Spring 2024. It addresses emerging questions from the sector, related to new and updated reporting requirements as well as impacts on panel size, SAMI scores, and SAAs.

If you would like further elaboration on these questions and answers, or if you have questions not addressed by this document, please email

Lunch 'n' Learn | Co-Designing an AI Decision Support tool with Alliance Members: The Journey So Far and Next Step

In this interactive webinar, Dr. Jaky Kueper and Sara Bhatti described the progress made in Phase 1 of the Alliance Practice-Based Learning Network (PBLN) project to develop an AI decision-support tool, described the roadmap for Phase 2, and gathered feedback from participants to inform the Phase 2 co-design process.
