Digital Equity: Building a Coalition for Collective Impact in Guelph and Wellington County, Ontario

This poster, presented at the 2023 Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) Conference, describes the University of Guelph's Regional & Rural Broadband (R2B2) Project, an initiative which provides research and advocacy support to the Guelph/Wellington Digital Equity Coalition

“Can you hear me now?”: a qualitative exploration of communication quality in virtual primary care encounters for patients with intellectual and developmental disabilities



High quality communication is central to effective primary care. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a dramatic increase in virtual care but little is known about how this may affect communication quality.

A Bridge to Universal Healthcare: The Benefits of Ontario’s Program to Make Hospital Care Accessible to All Residents of the Province

In March 2020, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ontario Ministry of Health (MOH) issued a directive to extend funding for all medically necessary hospital care to residents without health insurance. Members of the Health Network for Uninsured Clients (HNUC) have observed significant improvements to healthcare access for uninsured clients since the MOH directive has been in place.

Learning from Practice: Building Community Power for Health Equity- Nail Technicians in Greater Toronto

This case-study, cowritten by the NCCDH and Parkdale Queen West Community Health Center (CHC), highlights how the CHC invested resources and effort to support community engagement, community organizing and coalition building in the nail technician community of the Greater Toronto Area in order to improve and enhance occupational health and safety in the industry.

“A Missing Part of Me:” A Pan-Canadian Report on the Licensure of Internationally Educated Health Professionals


Canada’s health care system is understaffed and facing both recruitment and retention challenges. As part of a wider health human resources (HHR) strategy, the National Newcomer Navigation Network (N4) is investigating internationally educated physicians and nurses as a key demographic to help meet staffing needs.

Who gets access to an interprofessional team-based primary care program for patients with complex health and social needs? A cross-sectional analysis



To determine whether a voluntary referralbased interprofessional team-based primary care programme reached its target population and to assess the representativeness of referring primary care physicians.

Afrocentric approaches to disrupting anti-Black racism in health care and promoting Black health in Canada


  • An Afrocentric approach to Black health promotes culturally meaningful health care grounded in the values, worldviews, lived experiences and histories of Black people of African descent.

  • Afrocentric community health care can disrupt systemic anti-Black racism and related health inequities.
