Walk the Talk: Empowering Patients and Community Members in Healthcare Delivery Research
This article highlights the integrated work of the East Toronto Health Partners and their high-priority communities. It describes how they built a community-embedded learning health system in which patient partners are included in each step of the research cycle, from idea generation to dissemination.
Achieving equity in reproductive care and birth outcomes for Black people in Canada
#Key Points
Canada has been slow to collect the robust race-based maternal–newborn data that could allow study of racial inequity in maternal morbidity and mortality at the population level.
Framework for a Public Health Approach to Substance Use
This policy statement provides an overview of what CPHA endorses as a public health approach to substance use and describes the approach that CPHA will use to develop policy advocacy or programmatic work on related topics.
El impacto de la pandemia del COVID-19 en la salud de la población latinoamericana de habla hispana en Toronto: Un análisis de desigualdades
Assessing Health Inequities: Understanding the Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Toronto’s Spanish-Speaking Latin American Population
This report was prepared by researchers from CMHA Toronto and the Wellesley Institute.
Neighbourhood influences on youth mental health and stress levels during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic
The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth mental health and stress levels warrants urgent attention. In Canada, as elsewhere in the world, public health measures in the early stages of the pandemic dramatically transformed the everyday geographies of young people.
Effect of Risk Mitigation Guidance opioid and stimulant dispensations on mortality and acute care visits during dual public health emergencies: retrospective cohort study
Fische d'Information: Soutenir les personnes aidantes naturelles dans le domaine des soins de santé primaires
Bien qu’elles prodiguent environ 75 % des soins au sein de notre système de santé, les personnes aidantes naturelles ont du mal à s’en sortir.
L' organisme de soutien aux aidants naturels de l'Ontario (OSANO) met à votre disposition ce document d’une page contenant des conseils pratiques que vous pouvez utiliser comme référence.
Tip Sheet: Supporting Caregivers in Primary Care
Well-supported family caregivers contribute to better patient health outcomes. Supporting family members, partners, friends or neighbours with physical and/or mental health needs, caregivers help enhance care delivery and improve health outcomes for patients. This benefits not only the people in their care, but our healthcare system overall.