Elimination of sex-based inequities in Indian registration - communication materials

We are reaching out to you from Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) with the hope that you can help our organization distribute important information among your networks. We are pleased to share the following communications material with you and other organizations that serve the senior population throughout the country. This information highlights the legislative changes to the Indian Act under S-3, and the impact of these changes on First Nations women, children, elders, and communities at large.

Elimination of sex-based inequities in Indian registration - communication materials

We are reaching out to you from Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) with the hope that you can help our organization distribute important information among your networks. We are pleased to share the following communications material with you and other organizations that serve the senior population throughout the country. This information highlights the legislative changes to the Indian Act under S-3, and the impact of these changes on First Nations women, children, elders, and communities at large.