
Equitable health and wellbeing for everyone living in Ontario.


Advance comprehensive primary health care and advocate for changes in Ontario’s health and social systems to address inequities.


  • Health Equity: We advocate for policies and interventions that address discrimination and oppression with a goal of eradicating social inequality and disadvantage for the purpose of reducing differences in health outcomes.
  • Leadership: We believe in challenging the status quo with integrity and transparency, striving consistently for quality and promoting system innovation.
  • Collaboration: We believe that we are stronger together, and embrace engagement, cooperation and partnerships to influence change.
  • Knowledge: We are evidence informed, use socio-demographic and race based data, and respect, seek out, learn from and act on diverse ways of knowing and lived experience.
  • Self-Determination: We believe that people and communities have the right to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.