Resource and Research Libraries

The Alliance Library contains reports, toolkits and multimedia resources.  If you would like to submit a paper to be posted in our libraries, please forward the publication to (link sends e-mail) for review and posting. 

Using the hyperlinks in the table and  the right-hand margin, you can filter your results by author, source, or theme, or you can sort them by year.  Here are some of our partner organizations' libraries you may wish to check out:

Title Details Year
Lunch 'n' Learn: The key role of health equity in addressing the climate crisis and other environmental risks

Authors: Alliance for Healthier Communities

Format: Webinar
Source: Alliance Lunch 'n' Learn Webinars
Theme: Advancing equity by reducing barriers and disrupting oppression, Climate Change Health Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation, Understanding the enablers of highest-quality care
Document: PDF icon Download (926.65 KB)
Link: Link
Driving Forward: How (and why) to continually advance SDD data collection in your organization

Authors: Alliance for Healthier Communities

Format: Webinar
Source: Alliance Lunch 'n' Learn Webinars
Theme: Advancing equity by reducing barriers and disrupting oppression, Advancing health system transformation & Integration, Advancing the Learning Health System
Link: Link
Dismantling Weight Stigma and Anti-Fat Bias in Health Care

Authors: Alliance for Healthier Communities

Format: Webinar
Source: Alliance Lunch 'n' Learn Webinars
Theme: Advancing equity by reducing barriers and disrupting oppression, Understanding our client populations and their health journeys, Understanding the enablers of highest-quality care
The Future is Social Prescribing: Why it's key to an integrated, accessible, resilient health system (

Authors: Alliance for Healthier Communities

Format: Webinar
Theme: Advancing equity by reducing barriers and disrupting oppression, Advancing health system transformation & Integration, Measuring the Impact of Social Prescribing
Document: PDF icon Download (3.09 MB)
Train-the-Trainer Webinar: Working at a Federal Election

Authors: Alliance for Healthier Communities, Elections Canada

Format: Webinar
Source: Elections & Civic Engagement Webinar Series
Theme: Advancing equity by reducing barriers and disrupting oppression
Document: PDF icon Download (991.23 KB)
Train-the-Trainer Webinar: Registering and Voting in a Federal Election

Authors: Alliance for Healthier Communities, Elections Canada

Format: Webinar
Source: Elections & Civic Engagement Webinar Series
Theme: Advancing equity by reducing barriers and disrupting oppression
Document: PDF icon Download (991.23 KB)