
Are you interested in measuring the complexity of your organization's clients at a more granular level? 

Staff at London InterCommunity Health Centre (LIHC) have developed a collaborative exercise to measure the complexity of their clinical clients. This allowed them to rebalance their clinicians' rosters, ensuring balanced workloads. In this Lunch 'n' Learn webinar, LIHC staff described the project and provided an in-depth look at their methodology.

Given the high complexity of health needs among our sector's clients and the capacity crisis facing the health system, your organization may wish to embark on a similar process. This detailed case study from LIHC can provide inspiration and help you get started.  It is important to remember that some elements of the work at LIHC are tailored to that organization. If you undertake something similar in your setting, you will need to work closely with your clinical, data management, and administrative teams to develop a tailored process that meets your organization's and clients' needs. 

# Recording and Slide Deck

Watch the recording below, and access the slide deck here

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# Additional Resources

The team from LIHC have generously shared the additional resources listed below. These will give you a deeper understanding of their process and may provide a helpful starting-point if you decide to implement a similar process in your own organization. 

Please note that while replicating this complexity project may be useful for other practice settings, this approach has not been externally validated. Any use of the concepts or methods must be adapted to the local context, practice setting, and specific populations served. The LIHC team will be continuously improving upon this framework and approach for evaluating complexity. 

  • Overview of the LIHC complexity project. This high-level overview was presented at the Alliance's November 6 Professional Learning Event. 
  • Project Methods document. This includes the factors list and appendices with the LIHC team's ENCODE list, weighting tool, and detailed process-tracking.
  • Sample Practice Profile. This vetted dashboard-style document shows detailed complexity data for an individual provider, including a list of the most complex clients, factors contributing the most complexity, and contextual information about the provider's organization. 

If you have questions for the presenters or are looking for help getting started with your own complexity project, please reach out to

# Presenters

Melanie Weaver, RN, MN | Integrated Health Manager

Karima Cassidy, RN, MN | Integrated Health Specialist

Liz Vander Horst, BA(Hons) | Director, Data, Performance, and Analytics

Norma Smith, RN (EC), MScN | Clinical Advisor