
This train-the-trainer webinar was presented by the Alliance for Healthier Communities in collaboration with Elections Canada in October 2024.
# About this Webinar
This train-the-trainer webinar is intended for health promoters, community developers, and others working in health and social care organizations who want to help break down barriers to civic engagement by preparing their clients and community members to work at a federal election.
Elections Canada provided training on their “Working at a Federal Election” toolkit and accompanying resources developed by the Inspire Democracy program. The training involved reviewing workshop content and the materials available to support those interested in delivering this workshop.
# Recording and Slide Deck
The recorded webinar can be viewed below. You can access the slide deck here.
Ce webinaire a également été présenté en français.
# Reach Out
Please contact Elections Canada at for workshop materials or any other inquiries.
# Additional Resources
Below is a list of links to resources that were mentioned during the webinar:
# Websites with reliable information
# Order form for publications
# Elections & Civic Engagement Webinar Series
This was the first of three webinars on the topic of elections and civic engagement. You may also be interested in:
Train-the-Trainer: Registering and Voting in a Federal Election | Tuesday, November 12, 2024
Beyond Elections: Promoting health and well-being through civic engagement | Wednesday, November 27, 2024