#New investments in Community Health Centres and Aboriginal Health Access Centres will yield high returns.

TORONTO – April 3, 2013 - Today’s announcement from the provincial government, that it is making new investments in 17 capital projects for Ontario’s Community Health Centres (CHCs) and Aboriginal Health Access Centres (AHACs), means thousands more people will have access to a primary health care models that improve health, reduce health disparities and ease the pressures on the rest of the our health system. “CHCs and AHACs keep people –and the communities where they live– healthy and strong,” said Adrianna Tetley, Executive Director of Association of Ontario Health Centres which represents 105 community-governed primary health care organizations throughout the province. “The investment being made today will yield a very high return tomorrow, preventing larger amounts of money being spent on sickness treatment and care.” Tetley also noted that because CHCs and AHACs focus on populations whose health is most at risk: “This is also an investment in the fairer society Premier Wynne has promised us.” Tetley was speaking at an event at the Jamestown Hub, a satellite of the Rexdale CHC, one of 13 CHCs sites that now have the capital dollars to upgrade and expand their facilities. Other announcements of capital projects are happening today at Niagara Falls CHC and Quest CHC in St. Catharines. CHC stand out from other models of primary care because medical services are delivered under the same roof as health promotion and community development services. And because they address the social determinant of health, they are especially effective serving populations which have traditionally faced barriers accessing health services. AOHC also applauded the government announcement today that it will invest in upgrading and expanding facilities at four AHACs throughout the province. AHACs provide a combination of traditional healing, primary care, cultural programs, health promotion programs, community development initiatives, and social support services to First Nations, Métis and Inuit communities. “Both AHACs and CHCs can play a huge role in enabling the province’s new action plan to make Ontario the healthiest place to grow up and grow old,” said Tetley. “We hope this is just the beginning of a series of steps to expand access to community-governed models that do such a good job promoting the best possible health and wellbeing for everyone.” For more information on CHCs click here. Centres announced as of May 22, 2013 Rexdale CHC - Jamestown satellite Belleville Quinte West CHC - Trenton satellite CSC Chigamik CHC City of Kawartha Lakes CHC Gateway CHC Gizhewaadiziwin AHAC Niagara Falls CHC Noojmowin Teg AHAC Norwest CHC Quest CHC Rexdale CHC - Kipling Dixon satellite Sault Area Hospital Residential Withdrawal Management Services South Georgian Bay CHC South Riverdale CHC Southwest Ontario AHAC Waasegiizhig Nanaandawe'lyewigamig AHAC Woodstock and Area CHC

Sunday, June 30, 2013