This training is presented by CAAN Communities, Alliances & Networks and Dr. Peter Center

This is part 2 of a 2-part, Indigenous-led trauma informed Harm Reduction training. This training is part of the national project, The Canoe and is free to attend. The Canoe aims to bring relevant, non-stigmatizing, context specific harm reduction practices for rural and remote indigenous communities to the national stage.

The objective of The Canoe is to :

  • increase capacity of harm reduction service providers to provide culturally safe and stigma-free harm reduction services to Indigenous people.
  • improve the cultural safety and stigma-free nature of the harm reduction services offered.
  • Scale up wise practices nationally for culturally relevant, non-stigmatizing initiatives to meet the needs of target populations.
  • Increase context-specific resources for harm reduction services that serve target populations in rural and mid-sized communities.
  • Increase access to more spaces where Indigenous people are meaningfully engaged in harm reduction services.
  • Nationally elevate the voices of Indigenous people and people with lived and living experience (PLLE)in responses to the overdose crisis; and
  • Support Indigenous and non-Indigenous harm reduction organizations to increase their capacity to deliver harm reduction services to their Indigenous clients.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Project Lead Cherese Reemaul at

#Facilitator: Susan Powell

  • The facilitator for this session is Susan Powell: Iŋyaŋskawiŋ, is of Lakxóta and British Isles ancestry. She is a Holistic Health Educator and has worked with Indigenous communities across Canada on personal and community healing. She is a mother, auntie and grandmother.
le Lundi 27 Mai 2024 - 13:00
1-2 pm
Coût : 
Type d’événement : 