This webinar is presented by the Tamarack Institute.

Participants in this webinar will work through the resources, methods, and 7 functions of Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD). There will also be an opportunity to explore how an ABCD lens can be applied to your current work.

Registrants will also get access to workshop pre-learning resources to help them prepare for the workshop content and complete a self-reflection exercise. After the workshop, they will receive a personalized, 1-hour coaching session to help translate the knowledge into action. 

#Learning Objectives

Participants will learn about:  

  • ABCD as a people-centered approach: ABCD is a community-driven development (bottom-up) approach. It's about focusing on strengths and not deficits or needs to develop programs and plans.   

  • Resources in a community: ABCD is about uncovering the six assets or resources that communities have that are used to enhance local well-being.   

  • Methods to find assets: ABCD approaches are iterative and emergent. While there are no methods that we can prescribe, there are several practices that communities around the world have found helpful.  Asset Mapping is one way to uncover hidden community assets.  

  • The functions of a community: Seven functions are critical features of local natural community work. They are bottom-up, hyper-local, and citizen-led. 


Heather Keam works with municipalities and organizations to build strategies that put people at the center using Asset-Based Community Development. With over 22 years of experience in community development, she uses an ABCD approach to center people and belonging in the development of community plans and strategies through coaching and training staff teams, facilitation, and writing about ABCD and Belonging. 

Wendy McCaig is the founder and Executive Director of Embrace Communities. She has been a practitioner of Asset-Based Community Development since 2005 and has been coaching and training organizations on how to strengthen communities from the inside out since 2012. Wendy is the author of “From the Sanctuary to the Streets” (CASCADE books 2010) and “Power Shift: A Field Guide for Community Cultivators Everywhere.” 

le Mercredi 20 Mars 2024 - 13:00
1:00 - 4:30 pm
Coût : 
From $239
Type d’événement : 
Online Event