What is the relationship between integrated care and patient/caregiver engagement? How can engagement with our communities and people with lived healthcare experiences inform and improve integrated systems of care? Join us for a thought-provoking panel to learn about current practices and future directions. Learn from researchers, system leaders and patient perspectives with International and Canadian experience.

We look forward to continuing to bring our community together to learn and have an impact.


  • Helen Lightfoot, Senior Practice Consultant, Connecting People and Community for Living Well, Alberta Health Services
  • Robin Miller, Joint Editor-in-Chief, International Journal for Integrated Care, University of Birmingham
  • Nakia Lee-Foon, Health Equity Lead, Institute for Better Health
  • Kerry Kuluski, Associate Professor, University of Toronto
  • Sandra Holdsworth, Patient Partner




le Mardi 24 Octobre 2023 - 12:00
12-1:30 pm
Coût : 
Type d’événement : 