This 4-week online program with live sessions runs on Thursdays, from 1:00-2:30 pm, October 26 through November 9, 2023

Addressing complex global challenges like climate change, biodiversity loss, and inequality and injustice can feel impossible for individual actors and organizations, and it can be hard to know where to begin. This program aims to explore the interconnected nature of these challenges and provide systematic and accessible methods for leaders to contribute solutions through the work of their organizations.

Over the course of four interactive 90-minute online sessions, participants will receive an overview of climate change and its implications, explore transition leadership and systems thinking, envision a sustainable and just future, and identify practical steps to implement at their respective non-profit organization.

This program is a collaborative effort between the Ontario Nonprofit Network (ONN) and the Academy for Sustainable Innovation (ASI).

#Who is this program for?

This program is for individuals in the non-profit sector who are interested in considering the impacts of climate change on their purpose and mission. It is well-suited for those who want to include more holistic approaches to framing and solving problems, as well as those looking for a safe space to share concerns about climate or feelings of eco-anxiety. The primary audience is for non-profit leaders who are members of the Ontario Nonprofit Network, or based in Ontario. A limited number of spaces are available for other non-profit leaders from across Canada.

#What is the time commitment?

In addition to the four 90-minute sessions, participants are also encouraged to complete approximately 30 mins of prep work prior to each session to familiarize themselves with the concepts covered. 

#Course Overview

 Each session includes exercises, presentations, and opportunities for participants to practice and apply the concepts learned. Additionally, there will be opportunities for feedback and group discussions to enhance the learning experience.

#Session 1: Introduction to Climate Action (Oct 26, 2023)

This first session will ground participants in an understanding of concepts such as climate change, ecological awareness, and systems thinking. Participants will learn about key environmental metrics, the limitations of isolated "solutions", and the deeper role of mindsets as both a source and solution to global problems. We will also unpack the difficulties of having climate conversations, and practice how to effectively communicate about climate issues.

#Session 2: Transition Leadership (Nov 2, 2023)

Session two will focus on the concept of transition leadership and the role of systems thinking for organizational change. Themes include moving towards a desired future, appreciating complexity, and approaches to application. Participants will have the opportunity to practice how to apply a model of systems change to their own organization.

#Session 3: A Just Transition (Nov 9, 2023)

Participants will explore case studies of the implementation of just transition policies and practices to ground the course’s theoretical material into practical and real-world examples. This session will create space for dialogue and feedback on how to apply best practices in different contexts. Guest speakers will be announced closer to the program start date.

#Session 4: Taking Action as a Transition Leader (Nov 16, 2023)

In the final session, participants will explore regenerative and distributive approaches to running an organization, considering the different themes discussed throughout the course. Acknowledging the scale of the challenge and the impacts of eco-anxiety, we will also discuss personal grounding practices to deepen one’s connection to nature and to mitigate challenges to well-being and mental health.

#Hosting Team

  • Biboye (Bo) Aganaba, Program Manager, ASI
  • Tamara Connell, Chief Executive Officer, ASI


le Jeudi 26 Octobre 2023 - 13:00
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Coût : 
$120 per session
Type d’événement : 