Primary Care Needs OurCare: Introducing the OurCare Standard

Over 16 months, between September 2022 and December 2023, OurCare engaged nearly 10,000 people about their experiences with primary care and their values, ideas, and hopes for the future and improvement of that care.

The conversation placed special emphasis on engaging people who have the greatest needs of care, face the greatest barriers to accessing care, and are most likely to be excluded from policy-making decisions about primary care. OurCare had three phases:

Cadre pour une démarche de santé publique à l’égard de l’usage de substances

Le présent énoncé de politique présente une vue d’ensemble de ce que l’ACSP approuve comme étant une démarche de santé publique à l’égard de l’usage de substances et décrit les principes que l’ACSP utilisera pour élaborer des documents de plaidoyer ou de programmes sur les sujets connexes. 

Towards a Learning Health System: Better Care Tomorrow When We Learn from Today

The Alliance for Healthier Communities and its member organizations have long been committed to continuous learning and evidence-informed practice. Until now, the work to support this commitment has been weighted towards data collection and technical infrastructure building. These elements are important foundations for the Learning Health System, but in themselves, they are not sufficient to complete the cycle of learning. Combining this foundation with new processes of learning and improvement will result in a complete system, a Learning Health System.
