Illustrating the COPD client’s journey through the care continuum using PHC EMR data from The Alliance for Healthier Communities

Beginning in January 2018, CIHI and The Alliance for Healthier Communities embarked on a collaborative project focused on demonstrating the value of collecting structured linkable EMR data, especially for diagnosis and treatment data. In March 2018, The Alliance CHC members and CIHI reached an agreement to share 3 years of EMR data.

Community orientation in primary care practices: Results from the Comparison of Models of Primary Health Care in Ontario Study


Objective: To determine which of 4 organizational models of primary care in Ontario were more community oriented.

Design: Cross-sectional investigation using practice and provider surveys derived from the Primary Care Assessment Tool, with nested qualitative case studies (2 practices per model).

Comparison of Primary Care Models in Ontario by Demographics, Case Mix and Emergency Department Use, 2008/09 to 2009/10

Understanding value for money in Ontario's primary care system is complicated. This report examines patients/clients from April 2008 to March 2010 in: Community Health Centres (CHCs, a salaried model); Family Health Groups (FHGs, a blended fee-for-service model); Family Health Networks (FHNs, a blended capitation model); Family Health Organizations (FHOs, a blended capitation model); Family Health Teams (FHTs, an interprofessional team model composed of FHNs and FHOs); ‘Other’ smaller models combined; and those who did not belong to a model.

Dépistage du cancer : comment les centres de santé communautaire de l’Ontario obtiennent des résultats

Les centres de santé communautaire de l’Ontario servent un grand nombre de personnes à faible revenu, ainsi que d’autres populations qui se heurtent traditionnellement à des obstacles dans l’accès aux services de prévention des maladies. Malgré cela, les centres de santé communautaire de l’Ontario atteignent des taux de dépistage du cancer supérieurs aux moyennes provinciales.

Cancer screening: How Ontario’s Community Health Centres achieve results

Ontario’s Community Health Centres serve large numbers of people living on low incomes, as well as other populations who have traditionally faced barriers accessing services that prevent illness. Even so, Ontario’s Community Health Centres achieve higher cancer screening rates than provincial averages.

Version française:

Nutrition and obesity care in multidisciplinary primary care settings in Ontario, Canada: Short duration of visits and complex health problems perceived as barriers


  • Nutrition was perceived to be an important topic when discussing weight.
  • Primary care providers perceived their knowledge in nutrition to be suboptimal.
  • Access to allied health professionals facilitated referrals.
  • Electronic Medical Records facilitated obesity management and communication.
  • Lack of time and increase in multimorbidities hindered preventive care.
