Lunch 'n' Learn: The key role of health equity in addressing the climate crisis and other environmental risks

This webinar was presented by Dr. Sean Kidd and Mariya Bezgrebelna from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. Sean and Mariya are scientists whose research explores the health impacts of climate change with a particular focus on how these impacts disproportionately affect people who face barriers, such as housing insecurity or homelessness. 

If you have follow-up questions for Sean and Mariya or would like to stay connected, you can reach out to them at

Health of Canadians in a Changing Climate: Advancing our Knowledge for Action

The chapters in this report discuss relevant findings from the scientific literature on priority health risks related to climate change and on adaptation options for protecting health. Where information is available, chapters include quantitative projections of future health risks from climate change (see Chapter 5: Air Quality; Chapter 6: Infectious Diseases; Chapter 7: Water Quality, Quantity, and Security).