Neighbourhood influences on youth mental health and stress levels during the first six months of the COVID-19 pandemic


The impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on youth mental health and stress levels warrants urgent attention. In Canada, as elsewhere in the world, public health measures in the early stages of the pandemic dramatically transformed the everyday geographies of young people.

Effect of Risk Mitigation Guidance opioid and stimulant dispensations on mortality and acute care visits during dual public health emergencies: retrospective cohort study



To determine the effect of opioid and stimulant Risk Mitigation Guidance (RMG) dispensations on mortality and acute care visits during the dual public health emergencies of overdose and covid-19.

Primary care for all: lessons for Canada from peer countries with high primary care attachment


  • Canada spends less of its total health budget on primary care than the average among Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) countries (5.3% v. 8.1%).

  • Canada can learn lessons to inform policy on primary care from OECD countries like the United Kingdom, Norway, Netherlands and Finland where more than 95% of the population has a regular primary care clinician or place of care.

Social prescribing outcomes: a mapping review of the evidence from 13 countries to identify key common outcomes



As a means for supporting a range of health and wellbeing goals, social prescribing programs have been implemented around the world. Reflecting a range of contexts, needs, innovation, and programing, a broad array of outcomes has been studied in relation to these programs.

Have Primary Care Renewal Initiatives in Canada Increased Comprehensive Care for Patients with Complex Care Needs? Yes and No


The First Ministers Health Accords of 2001 through 2003 (Health Canada 2006) launched the renewal of primary care toward more comprehensive care delivery models. We scanned government websites in the 10 Canadian provinces to assess how comprehensive and integrated renewal models were for health and social services in 2018. More comprehensive primary care delivery models were the norm in five out of 10 provinces.

Household food insecurity and health service use for mental and substance use disorders among children and adolescents in Ontario, Canada



Food insecurity is a serious public health problem and is linked to the mental health of children and adolescents; however, its relationship with mental health service use is unknown.
