Sociodemographic Data Toolkit

At the June 2020 Alliance Annual General Meeting, Alliance members unanimously passed a resolution to advance sociodemographic data collection in our sector, with a goal of all member organizations having a 75% data completion rate by 2024. Collecting this data is essential to our mission of advancing health equity, because it provides evidence we need to advocate for our clients in priority populations and tailor service delivery to improve care. It also helps us to obtain funding and support for programs that assist our most vulnerable clients.  

Lunch 'n' Learn - The Ins & Outs of Optimizing Panel Size: A WEQI approach

Optimizing panel size is an important step primary healthcare organizations can take towards making care more accessible for their clients and communities and advancing population health.

On Tuesday, May 17, two leaders from the West End Quality Improvement (WEQI) collaborative shared their experiences and learnings with applying quality improvement (QI) methodology to the complex challenge of optimizing their panel sizes. 

What do Community Health Centres do? Who is on the team, and who do they serve?

Community Health Centres and other members of the Alliance for Healthier Communities are committeed to supporting the health and wellbeing of the people in Ontario who face the most significant barriers, including difficulty accessing health and social care, matierial deprivation, discrimination, and trauma. The people who experience these barriers are our moral owner and we are accountable to them in our work. Each Alliance member organization chooses local priority populations according to their communities demographics and assets. 

Lunch 'n' Learn: COVID-19 and indoor air quality - how community spaces can reduce transmission using ventilation, filtration and ultra-violet disinfection


#Webinar: Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Improving indoor air quality can help reduce transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses. In this webinar, you’ll learn how to create a healthier, safer environment for workers, residents, clients and visitors through:  
