Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada - Special Issue on Social prescribing in Canada

This is Part I of a special issue of Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, titled Social prescribing in Canada: An emerging approach to health and well-being  

Editors for this special issue are Kate Mulligan, Kiffer G. Card, and Sandra Allison. It includes an editorial statement, evidence synthesis, original qualitative research, commentary, and an at-a-glance article. 


IPCT Expansion Funding Q&As

This document was created by the Alliance for our members and their community partners who received IPCT funding in Spring 2024. It addresses emerging questions from the sector, related to new and updated reporting requirements as well as impacts on panel size, SAMI scores, and SAAs.

If you would like further elaboration on these questions and answers, or if you have questions not addressed by this document, please email

Lunch 'n' Learn | Co-Designing an AI Decision Support tool with Alliance Members: The Journey So Far and Next Step

In this interactive webinar, Dr. Jaky Kueper and Sara Bhatti described the progress made in Phase 1 of the Alliance Practice-Based Learning Network (PBLN) project to develop an AI decision-support tool, described the roadmap for Phase 2, and gathered feedback from participants to inform the Phase 2 co-design process.

Walk the Talk: Empowering Patients and Community Members in Healthcare Delivery Research

This article highlights the integrated work of the East Toronto Health Partners and their high-priority communities. It describes how they built a community-embedded learning health system in which patient partners are included in each step of the research cycle, from idea generation to dissemination. 

Les soins primaires ont besoin de NosSoins: Présentation du standard NosSoins

Pendant 16 mois, entre septembre 2022 et décembre 2023, OurCare a interrogé près de 10 000 personnes sur leur expérience des soins primaires et sur leurs valeurs, idées et espoirs concernant l'avenir et l'amélioration de ces soins.

La conversation a mis l'accent sur l'engagement des personnes qui ont le plus besoin de soins, qui sont confrontées aux plus grands obstacles à l'accès aux soins et qui sont les plus susceptibles d'être exclues des décisions politiques concernant les soins primaires. OurCare s'est déroulé en trois phases :

Primary Care Needs OurCare: Introducing the OurCare Standard

Over 16 months, between September 2022 and December 2023, OurCare engaged nearly 10,000 people about their experiences with primary care and their values, ideas, and hopes for the future and improvement of that care.

The conversation placed special emphasis on engaging people who have the greatest needs of care, face the greatest barriers to accessing care, and are most likely to be excluded from policy-making decisions about primary care. OurCare had three phases:

Projet de création conjointe d’un outil d’aide à la décision reposant sur des données | Phase 1 : Détermination du problème

La croissance rapide du volume de données générées et recueillies en matière de soins de santé, conjuguée aux avancées dans les méthodes et technologies d’analyse de données, transforme le domaine de la santé. L’intelligence artificielle (IA) et les outils connexes d’aide à la décision ont un potentiel exceptionnel pour exploiter les données en vue d’améliorer la qualité et d’adapter les programmes et services pour répondre aux besoins des communautés.

Data-Driven Decision Support Tool Co-Development Project | Phase 1: Problem Scoping

A rapid increase in the amount of health care data being generated and collected, coupled with advancements in data-analysis methods and technologies, is transforming healthcare. Artificial intelligence (AI) and related decision-support tools show remarkable potential for using data to empower quality improvement and tailoring of programs and services to meet client and community needs.
