La prescription sociale à l’honneur : une tournée virtuelle d’un bout à l’autre du Canada

Event Date: 
le Jeudi 9 Mars 2023 - 13:00
10 am PT / 1 pm ET
Coût : 

Lors de la Journée internationale de la prescription sociale 2023, joignez-vous à des chefs de file de la prescription sociale de partout au Canada pour une tournée éclair visant à souligner cette pratique et les possibilités émergentes dans diverses régions, et à nous en inspirer. Nous ferons également une brève escale internationale pour discuter avec des chefs de file d’ailleurs dans le monde réunis à Londres au Royaume-Uni pour marquer cette journée.

Cet évènement est organisé conjointement par l’Institut canadien de prescription sociale, l’Alliance pour des communautés en santé, Centraide – Colombie-Britannique et le Collectif étudiant canadien de prescription sociale. Ce webinaire sera offert en français et en anglais.

Celebrating Social Prescribing: A Virtual Tour Across Canada

Event Date: 
le Jeudi 9 Mars 2023 - 13:00
10 am PT / 1 pm ET
Coût : 

On International Social Prescribing Day 2023, join social prescribing leaders from across Canada for a whistle-stop tour around the country to celebrate and be inspired by the current state of this work and emerging opportunities in different regions. We will also make a brief international stop to hear from global leaders gathered in London, UK to mark the day.

This event is jointly hosted by the Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing, the Alliance for Healthier Communities, the United Way British Columbia, and the Canadian Social Prescribing Student Collective. This webinar is available in English and French.

Bring Your Own Breakfast Webinar: Be Part of the CanTreatCOVID Clinical Trial

Event Date: 
le Mardi 28 Mars 2023 - 08:00
8:00-9:00 am
Coût : 

This webinar took place on March 28, 2023. The recording and slide deck, as well as related resources, can be found here.

CanTreatCOVID is a clinical trial taking place all across Canada. It is looking at a variety of different treatment options for COVID-19, with a goal of understanding which treatments work best and for whom. Over 30 universities and research organizations are taking part in this study.

CPCRN: Co-Building a Primary Care Policy Hub of Policymakers across Canada

Event Date: 
le Vendredi 10 Mars 2023 - 16:00
1-2 PM PT (4-5 PM ET)
Coût : 

CPCRN | Session 2 | Hybrid Event | March 10, 2023, 1 – 2 PM PT

#Co-Building a Primary Care Policy Hub of Policymakers across Canada

The Canadian Primary Care Research Network (CPCRN) is hosting a roundtable discussion to co-develop a policy hub for policymakers in primary care.

CPCRN Learning Series 2023 | Session 1 | Canadian Primary Care Research Network: What do we want to do & how do we want to do it?

Event Date: 
le Mardi 28 Février 2023 - 13:00
1 pm
Coût : 

CPCRN Learning Series 2023  Session 1 | Virtual Event February 28, 2023, 12 – 1 PM ET

#Canadian Primary Care Research Network: What do we want to do & how do we want to do it?


HEC Webinar Series: Promoting Health Equity Through Trauma-Informed Practice and Engagement - Session 2

Event Date: 
le Mardi 7 Mars 2023 - 12:00
12:00-1:00 pm
Coût : 

Join Healthcare Excellence Canada for two new virtual learning events aimed at promoting patient engagement that is equitable and inclusive.

Beginning in February, these sessions will help you develop an understanding of trauma-informed approaches that help foster more equitable and inclusive engagement with a broad diversity of people in the health system. Participants will explore practical approaches and instructive case studies, guided by a diverse set of speakers.

HEC Webinar Series: Promoting Health Equity Through Trauma-Informed Practice and Engagement - Session 1

Event Date: 
le Mardi 7 Février 2023 - 12:00
12:00-1:00 pm

Join Healthcare Excellence Canada for two new virtual learning events aimed at promoting patient engagement that is equitable and inclusive.

Beginning in February, these sessions will help you develop an understanding of trauma-informed approaches that help foster more equitable and inclusive engagement with a broad diversity of people in the health system. Participants will explore practical approaches and instructive case studies, guided by a diverse set of speakers.
