#Let's Talk About it: Vaginal Health
This KTE will inform on certain bacteria that may impact vaginal health and report on related cutting edge research. Come and learn how certain bacteria may impact your vaginal health! Don’t miss out on this awesome opportunity to learn about the external influences that impact our bodies and the bodies of those we care about most! Community members & service providers welcome.
For more information contact Natasha@WHIWH.com
#Featured guest speakers:
- Dr. Charu Kaushic, Prof. McMaster University
- Dr. Rupert Kaul, Prof. University of Toronto and Infectious Disease Specialist, University Health Network
- Community Member with experience in BV Studies
#How to participate:
This KTE will be offered in person and online giving 2 ways to get involved.
#In person
20 Grosvenor St. Toronto ON M4Y 2V5
TTC Presto Ticket & Lunch will be provided to our onsite guests