The provision of abortion services has a complex history in Canada. These services were once heavily restricted by the Criminal Code. In 1988, the Supreme Court of Canada declared these restrictions unconstitutional. Since that time, there has been no law regarding abortion in Canada. This webinar will examine the social, historical, legal and ethical context of medical abortion in Canada, with a focus on discussing diverse beliefs surrounding the issue and the professional requirements of health care providers. A case-based approach will permit participants to reflect on both their own personal values and responsibilities within their profession. Respect for differing views – of patients, communities, colleagues - will be a requirement for participation in the case-based analyses. The safety of all individuals engaged in this learning is essential.

#Learning Objectives

  1. Appreciate the complex social, cultural, historical and legal context of abortion and reproductive services in Canada.
  2. Understand the ethical and legal requirements of reproductive care in Canada.
  3. Explore personal beliefs in the context of abortion services and learn how these beliefs may be managed to ensure ethical and legal care with diverse persons.


Dr. Michelle Mullen, Bioethicist, Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario 

le Mercredi 31 Janvier 2024 - 13:00
1:00 - 2:30 pm
Coût : 
Type d’événement : 