# Overview
The challenges faced by health care organizations, including fiscal restraint, a growing population, and difficulty recruiting and retaining staff, are fueling a crisis of access to primary health care. In response to this crisis, the Ontario Ministry of Health and Ontario Health granted funding for Interprofessional Primary Care Team (IPCT) expansion to selected organizations across Ontario received.
The resources in this toolkit were collected by the Alliance for Healthier Communities to help our member organizations make the strategic and operational decisions necessary to implement their expansion plans. These tools are intended to supplement the tools provided by Ontario Health. Many of them were shared by Alliance member organizations or created with their help. We are grateful to our members for their eagerness to share their experiences and learnings with others.
# Other Alliance Supports
In addition to this toolkit, the Alliance is offering a variety of ongoing supports for members who are part of the IPCT expansion process. These include a community of practice for peer-based knowledge exchange and individualized quality improvement coaching. To learn more or get connected, reach out to us at QI@AllianceON.org.