Towards a Learning Health System: Better Care Tomorrow When We Learn from Today

The Alliance for Healthier Communities and its member organizations have long been committed to continuous learning and evidence-informed practice. Until now, the work to support this commitment has been weighted towards data collection and technical infrastructure building. These elements are important foundations for the Learning Health System, but in themselves, they are not sufficient to complete the cycle of learning. Combining this foundation with new processes of learning and improvement will result in a complete system, a Learning Health System.

A Multidimensional Social Inquiry into the Loneliness Problem: Urbanization, Technological Mediation, and Neoliberal Individualism

Loneliness is a compelling, complex, and multifaceted social issue of the times, which cannot be reduced to a personal trouble writ large. Loneliness is not one thing. There is a need for a broad and multidimensional social approach to loneliness—even broader than a public health approach—that could take up the problem of loneliness as a complex phenomenon.

Experiences and Needs of Young Black Canadian Mothers in Toronto: A Community-Based and Black-Centered Research

This report focuses on the experiences of young Black mothers in navigating the challenges of motherhood while facing systemic racism. TAIBU CHC and Researchers from Brock University draw on themes including maternal experiences of racism and gendered oppression, compounding stressors affecting Black mothers, and the impact of racism on early childhood growth and development. This research project is the first of its kind in Canada to explore this topic in a significant way.

Prescribed Safer Supply Programs: Emerging Evidence

This evidence brief synthesizes the most up-to-date research on safer supply, success factors and challenges within programs, and what clients say about their experiences with safer supply so far. It is a brief summary of the current evidence about prescribed safer supply for lay audiences, political briefings, and the media. It draws on findings from peer-reviewed research articles and commentaries, as well as all program evaluation reports that have been published to date. 
