Accessibility of Virtual Primary Care for Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Qualitative Study


The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented increase in the delivery of virtual primary care. Adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDDs) have complex health care needs, and little is known about the value and appropriateness of virtual care for this patient population.

Equity, Community and Trust: Building vaccine confidence with marginalized populations


The Alliance for Healthier Communities, a network of team-based comprehensive primary health care organizations across Ontario, has implemented a Community Vaccination Promotion project to promote access to and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines for children and their families in marginalized communities most affected by COVID-19.

POPLAR, the Primary Care Ontario Practice-Based Learning and Research Network

Some of the most substantial opportunities for transformative care, QI and research lie within primary care. Clinical research in primary care means that results are more generalizable to daily practice. Primary care practice-based learning and research networks are key building blocks for knowledge production, dissemination and practice improvement. 

POPLAR, the Primary Care Ontario Practice-Based Learning and Research Network

Some of the most substantial opportunities for transformative care, QI and research lie within primary care. Clinical research in primary care means that results are more generalizable to daily practice. Primary care practice-based learning and research networks are key building blocks for knowledge production, dissemination and practice improvement. 
