#Health Equity Indicators Project: Building Capacity for Equity Informed Planning and Evaluation
Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services has received funding from the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Partnership Grants Program. Working in partnership with other community health centres in Ontario, the overarching aim of this project is to develop common Health Equity Frameworks and Health Equity Indicators that, together with efficiency and effectiveness indicators, improve program quality, reduce inequity and demonstrate best value for resource investments. More specifically the project will:
- Improve knowledge, skills and attitudes among community health centres and social service agencies regarding equity informed planning and evaluation, including the capacity to routinely collect relevant socio-demographic indicators and conduct disaggregated, intersectional analysis to understand and overcome health disparities that exist within or between client populations
- Enhance resources available to community health centres and social service agencies regarding evidence-informed planning and evaluation
- Increase the number of community health centres and social service agencies using equity informed planning and evaluation frameworks
Seven champion Community Health Centres, located throughout Ontario, are participating in the project and will receive training and coaching to integrate equity indicators in all phases of program and organizational planning, monitoring, benchmarking and reporting.
Click here to read a summary of the project and learn how each of the champion CHCs are participating.
#Baseline Assessment for Organizational Equity Capacity – Survey Tool
This survey was conducted to assess health equity-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices in partner organizations, and to identify their learning needs and opportunities to strengthen equity-focused planning and evaluation. You may find this tool helpful to measure your own practices at your organization.
Some Tips for Filling out the Survey
- In order to accurately capture equity capacity at the organizational level, we suggest you form a working group (including your Data Management Coordinator) to fill it out by consensus.
- The survey takes approximately 45 minutes to complete; however, some amount of preparation is required and is not factored into this time (i.e. time to pull data, gather documents, meeting minutes, etc.)
- The act of completing the survey is meant to represent a reflective process for your organization; no summary or results are provided at the end.
#Our Champions
We created health equity profiles capturing each Champion’s ‘current state’ at the beginning of the project:
- Planned Parenthood Toronto
- Somerset West Community Health Centre
- Chigamik Community Health Centre
- Centre de santé communautaire du Témiskaming
- North Lambton Community Health Centre
- Rideau Community Health Centre
- Women’s Health In Women’s Hands Community Health Centre
#Health Equity Resources
A number of training resources were created and delivered to champions over the course of the project. Please visit our resource page for a full list of training modules, tools, templates, and other resources.
Health Equity Project Leaders:
Health Equity Project Delivery Partner:
Health Equity Project Champions:
Health Equity Project Partners:
For More Information:
Axelle Janczur, Executive Director, Access Alliance Multicultural Health and Community Services
ajanczur@accessalliance.ca 416-324-0927 ext. 230