Illustrating the COPD client’s journey through the care continuum using PHC EMR data from The Alliance for Healthier Communities
Beginning in January 2018, CIHI and The Alliance for Healthier Communities embarked on a collaborative project focused on demonstrating the value of collecting structured linkable EMR data, especially for diagnosis and treatment data. In March 2018, The Alliance CHC members and CIHI reached an agreement to share 3 years of EMR data.
Patterns of Community Care for Mental Health and Addictions: Insights From Community Health Centre EMR Data
CIHI partnered with the Alliance for Healthier Communities (Alliance) to conduct this second proof-of-concept analysis focused on mental health and addictions. The Alliance represents a network of community-governed primary health care organizations that includes Ontario’s community health centres (CHCs).i CHCs provide interdisciplinary care to clients through a team-based approach, and remuneration is on a salaried basis. Care is integrated and coordinated both within the CHCs and with external health care providers and community-based agencies.