Dismantling Weight Stigma and Anti-Fat Bias in Health Care

This Alliance Lunch 'n' Learn Webinar was presented in October 2024. , Phoebe Lee, a community dietitian at Black Creek Community Health Centre shared insights about how pervasive weight stigma and anti-fat bias in health care settings present barriers to access and patient safety. The webinar included small- and large-group discussions aimed at helping participants recognize the anti-fat biases in their own practices and organizations and co-designing strategies to remove them.

IPCT Expansion Funding Q&As

This document was created by the Alliance for our members and their community partners who received IPCT funding in Spring 2024. It addresses emerging questions from the sector, related to new and updated reporting requirements as well as impacts on panel size, SAMI scores, and SAAs.

If you would like further elaboration on these questions and answers, or if you have questions not addressed by this document, please email Christine.Randle@AllianceON.org

Lunch 'n' Learn | Co-Designing an AI Decision Support tool with Alliance Members: The Journey So Far and Next Step

In this interactive webinar, Dr. Jaky Kueper and Sara Bhatti described the progress made in Phase 1 of the Alliance Practice-Based Learning Network (PBLN) project to develop an AI decision-support tool, described the roadmap for Phase 2, and gathered feedback from participants to inform the Phase 2 co-design process.

Towards a Learning Health System: Better Care Tomorrow When We Learn from Today

The Alliance for Healthier Communities and its member organizations have long been committed to continuous learning and evidence-informed practice. Until now, the work to support this commitment has been weighted towards data collection and technical infrastructure building. These elements are important foundations for the Learning Health System, but in themselves, they are not sufficient to complete the cycle of learning. Combining this foundation with new processes of learning and improvement will result in a complete system, a Learning Health System.
